Friday, December 25, 2009

Had Enough Yet?

It's a question more and more of us have been asking over the course of the last year: when is enough enough? With a Federal government that has become ever more out of touch and unresponsive to the concerns of the citizenry, our nation seems to be firmly in the grips of a new totalitarianism unlike any we have seen since the merry days of King George III. What is a good patriot to do?

You have only to look at the nightly news to see just how bad things have become. The Tea Party movement - and it IS a movement now - earns only the scorn and derision of the journalistic class who, along with the political class of America, seem intent on setting themselves up as the arbiters of all that is good and holy in America. You doubt the politicized science behind man-made global warming? You're a "flat-Earther". Have a problem with your government spending trillions of dollars on programs that give faceless bureaucrats more and more control of your life? You're against progress. You stand in the way of change. You deny the audacity of hope.

You want something better than the current health bill that just wormed its sleazy way through the Senate - but only after several Senators managed to secure de facto bribes for their states in exchange for their votes? Well, you must be one of those people who just want the poor to die.

After all, you couldn't possibly disagree with the current party in power unless you were insane, greedy, evil, or some combination thereof. The current power elite are the only ones with real principles, of course - the rest of us are just shills for the insurance and oil companies, or whatever segment of American industry they have chosen to vilify this week.

So, yes - it's little wonder that so many of our fellow Americans are concluding that enough is enough. You don't have to be a genius to figure out that what has happened in America this year is far removed from the Founding Fathers' dream of a representative republic.

And for those who believe that the reference to George III may be a little inflammatory, go back and read American history and just ask yourself one question:

Is today's administration and Congress any more in tune with the real desires of everyday Americans than the King and Parliament were lo those many years ago?

I've already answered that question for myself, of course - and future posts will explore my thoughts on where we are as a nation and where we should be heading. Don't get me wrong: I'm not sure I have all of the answers. I doubt anyone does - least of all those currently in power.

What's scary for most of us is that they claim that they do have the answers, even as they assail the motives of anyone who dares question them when their answers prove unworkable.

Enough is enough.